Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

meaning , function , example TOEFL

1. Definition ABOUT TOEFL ?
TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) test is used to determine the level of English speaking ability Someone hearts . Generally , the test used Astra Honda Motor husband as prayers One prerequisite for someone who wants to continue the study outlines OR Working in a country which uses English hearts day -day communication

2. Functions of the TOEFL ?
a.      Entrance or graduation requirements at the level of institutions of higher education in Indonesia .              
b.      Placement test and evaluation test in language institutions .
c.        Requirements for a list of scholarship programs such as : Australian Development Scholarships , StuNed , DAAD ( German Academic Exchange Service ) , ACHIEVEMENT , Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program and programs of government agencies such as the Ministry of Communication and Information .
d.       Part of the program of education, training and career development of government institutions such as Depantemen Overseas Education and Training Center , Bappenas , BKPM , the Ministry of Commerce and Bank Indonesia.

3. Sample questions from the TOEFL ?

1. The chairwoman requested that ....
      A. the participants studied more careful the problem.
      B. the participants study the problem more carefully.
      C. the participants studied  the problem with more careful.
      D. the problem be studied more carefully.
Answer : B

2. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours ... once every ten hours.
      A. the rotation of Jupiter
      B. Jupiter rotates
      C. Jupiter rotation
      D. Jupiter rotate
Answer: B

3. Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.
      A. the
      B. it is the
      C. is the
      D. where the
Answer : A

4. The various types of bacteria are classified according to...shapes.
      A. whose
      B. how they are
      C. have
      D. Their
Answer: B
5. The participants have had some problems deciding....
    A. when they should announce the result of the meeting.
    B. when are they sgoing to announce the result of the meeting.
    C. when should they announce the result of the meeting.
    D. the time when the result of the meeting to announce.
Answer : A


Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

my autobiography

               My name is Dena Esther , I serine called este by my friends . I was born in Jakarta on April 13, 1995. I was the first child of two brothers , my brother is a second grade student in junior high and 13-year -old sister . My father was a private employee and my mother was a housewife - home .I live with my parents , my home in the area Ciracas East Jakarta that precisely in the palm of two wetan rt 05 rw 02

                 I 've attended two wetan coconut SDN 06 , and also I have received education in secondary schools in Bina Dharma two wetan coconut . then , I also have to get an education in high school in the palm of two wetan Bina Dharma , I went on to study at university Gunadarma undergraduate accounting majors and now I only half of 6. I also busy preparing for lectures and scientific writing .
               common as the others , I had a goal and dream is to be useful to mankind also can help parents , I aspire as finance minister because I want to help finance or economy of Indonesia and I also dreams aspirations to be able to build a housing project for children who roadside or more particular street singers . Where I see a lot of children abandoned on the edge of Indonesian young girls who do not know education , family , love , peace , and justice , and therefore I have a very simple goal : to build flats and memberikasih dear to them so that they can be more beautiful menikamati Indonesia , the beauty of the family , the beauty of love , and the beauty of justice .
               My hobby is swimming , watching movies thailand , roads - roads , My favorite food is fried rice , noodles siantar hmm Many lah , hehehehe . If Drink My favorite is white Obviously air , ice cream , tea .
My motto My Life is a dream setingi -high Perhaps while the free ITU dream .
A few of I ... apologize if ADA says - said Yang prayer .